Author: alexandrabadoi

What does Christmas mean to you?  To me,  Christmas is the smell of oranges mixed with the taste of freshly baked cakes and the perfume of the fir tree. Christmas means carols announcing the Birth of Jesus, "Pițărăi" (a Romanian tradition similar with the "Trick or treat" tradition without...

Dear friends, I arrived home 2 weeks ago after my roadtrip to Budapest, Nurnberg, Amsterdam, Strasbourg, Vienna and Targu Jiu. Because I had so much work with the release of my new track and also my Viva la video's projects, I couldn't find enough time to...

Ieri imi planificasem frumos ziua. Filmari pentru noile editii Oriflame Webshow, o vizita la Directia de Pasapoarte, o intalnire si studiu pentru lucrarea mea de disertatie, iar seara o iesire la film. Si cum afara inca nu ploua si Bucurestiul gemea de aglomeratie, am preferat...

I don't know about you, but these days I have 2 big obsessions: I keep listening to the new track made by my friends Bogdan Vix, Keyplayer and Airborn, 3phoria. The song has just been premiered in A State of Trance - Armin Van Buuren's show...