
I don’t know about you, but these days I have 2 big obsessions:

I keep listening to the new track made by my friends Bogdan Vix, Keyplayer and Airborn, 3phoria. The song has just been premiered in A State of Trance – Armin Van Buuren’s show and it really makes me feel euphoric…. And yes! I want to listen to it again and again ?  Am I subjective or do you feel the same?

And I have a crush on Jessie Ware’s voice! I know her since she released her lovely track “Wildest Moments” and after that I was thrilled by her “Say you love me” song, composed together with Ed Sheeran… (btw, I’ll try to make a cover after Jessie’s song, but it’s not an easy option)

Anyway, I’ve just discovered this amazing live video that Jessie posted on her Youtube Channel!  Maybe the acoustic is phenomenal or maybe the Church itself makes me feel this way, but I really think this interpretation is heavenly! ?

I’ve listened to it on repeat more than 20 times and I couldn’t get enough of it!

What about you? Do you like the 2 videos I’m playing on repeat this week?

If you have any musical suggestions for me, just leave me a comment.

Let’s share the good music and the good vibes to everyone! ❤️?

With love,




Ca experienta mea la festivalul Neversea sa fie si mai frumoasa, Raiffeisen m-a adus pe #ArcaDistractiei, alaturi de Bromania, Dragos Asaftei si alti zeci de mii de tineri dornici de distractie.

Si chiar ca ne-am distrat! Pe timpul noptii, beaturile de la The Ark te faceau sa nu te poti opri din dans, iar ziua, desi puteai face plaja sau te puteai odihni pe barcutele galbene, preferai sa faci sporturi nautice sau sa inveti sa mixezi, asa cum am facut eu. ?



Si parca nu esti fericit 100% daca nu-ti impartasesti fericirea si cu ceilalti. Asa ca iata-ma pe mine tot mai activa pe pagina mea de Facebook si de Instagram. ? Ba postam cate o fotografie de la locul faptei, ba mai faceam cate un live sa le arat si prietenilor mei cum e la Neversea.  Si uite asa m-am facut si cu un frate!? Iata live-ul cu Bromania ?


Iar aici am aratat ca nu ai cum sa te plictisesti pe Arca Distractiei:

Am postat muuuult mai multe imagini pe paginile mele de Facebook si de Instagram ( ?

(c) Foto frumoasa de sus: Dragos Asaftei





Ma bucur tare mult ca am facut parte din campania #LiptonLaNeversea! ?

Dupa ce am organizat un concurs sponsorizat de Lipton si am oferit invitatii la festivalul Neversea celor care ma urmaresc pe Facebook si pe Instagram, am mers impreuna cu Gasca Lipton la mare. ? Acolo am folosit si am promovat aplicatia #LiptonVibes, am dansat cat ne-au tinut picioarele si am savurat cocktailurile Lipton. Si mai mult de atat, ne-am creat amintiri pentru o viata!

Iata cateva dintre ele aici:



Sper sa ne vedem si la anul la Neversea! ?



Dear friends,

Even it’s been a while since our “Did We Feel?” track was released, we thought the message would be delivered better through a video.
As I am sure you know, I was invited to perform at Trancemission Festival in Moscow in October and we decided to film the video in the beautiful capital of Russia. We chose the Business City Area.
The screenplay was built on the idea that we had when we composed this song…
Probably everyone felt like a mouse on the treadmill or a robot lost in a closed space at one point in time. Overwhelmed by stress, routine, problems, we forget about us… we forget about being human, we forget to love, to dream, to feel… perhaps, everyone needs a change, a message to ignite the feelings, to regain hope, to revive the dreams of childhood. Don’t just sit thee waiting for the boost, just feel it!
It comes with the smile of a child, with the blue of the sky, with the caressing rays of the sun, it comes with the sea breeze, with the sound of music and of course, it comes with the light of love. If we feel, we live…
Just feel,


Dragii mei,

Desi a trecut ceva vreme de la lansarea melodiei noastre “Did We Feel?”, ne-am gandit ca mesajul ar putea fi si mai bine transmis cu ajutorul unui videoclip.
Si daca tot am fost invitata sa cant la Trancemission Festival in Moscova, am hotarat sa si filmam in frumoasa Capitală a Rusiei, mai exact in zona Business City.
Scenariul a fost construit după ideea pe care am avut-o atunci când am compus această melodie…
Probabil ca fiecare a avut sau are un moment in care se simte ca un soarece pe banda de alergare sau ca un robot pierdut intr-un spatiu inchis… Coplesiti de stres, de rutina, de probleme, uitam de noi… uitam sa mai fim oameni, sa iubim, sa visam, sa simtim… Si poate ca fiecare are nevoie de o schimbare, de un re-start, de un mesaj care sa-i reporneasca trairile, sperantele, visurile din copilarie… Iar acest declic nu se asteapta, se simte. Vine odata cu zambetul unui copil, cu albastrul cerului, cu mangaierea razelor de soare, vine cu briza marii, cu sunetul muzicii si lumina iubirii.
Daca simtim, traim…