27 Dec Christmas in New York
Or when a dream comes true…✨
Dear friends,
I’ve arrived in New York in the most wonderful time of the year!
Being my first visit here, the best word that describes what I feel is: magic! And it’s not just the magic that you may have seen in the Christmas movies from New York, it’s the magic that comes from the metropolis energy, from the Times Square’s carols, from the lights and the Rockefeller fir tree, it’s the magic from the windows displays on the 5th Avenue and from the smiles of the people wishing you “Merry Christmas”.
And the most wonderful feeling is that New York City makes you feel like home! Maybe because this town looks so familiar, maybe because it’s a mix of culture where you may find yourself or maybe because the skyscrapers seem to be a proof that the sky is the limit and the dreams do come true.
Only a few days left until the New Year’s Eve and I wish that all the experiences we had in 2017 to bring us more love, to make us more conscious of today and to help us believe that everything is possible.
Have a magical 2018, my friends!✨
From New York with love,
Wearing a Diva Charms White Faux Fur http://diva-charms.com/category/37/paltoane-veste-trench.html| Karl Lagerfeld accessories
Craciun in New York ✨
Sau un vis devenit realitate…
Dragii mei,
Am ajuns pentru prima oara la New York, in cea mai minunata perioada din an! ?
Si cred ca cel mai potrivit cuvant care descrie starea pe care o simt e: magie! Si nu e doar magia pe care o vezi in filmele de Craciun din New York, e in energia metropolei, in colindele care se aud in Times Square, in luminile si bradul din Rockefeller Center, in ferestrele magazinelor de pe 5th Avenue si in zambetul oamenilor care iti ureaza “Merry Christmas”. Si cel mai minunat sentiment e faptul ca New York-ul te face sa te simti ca acasa! Probabil pentru ca ti-e familiar, probabil pentru ca e un mix de cultura in care fiecare se regaseste sau poate pentru ca zgarie norii iti par o dovada ca limita e cerul si ca orice vis se poate indeplini.
Si pentru ca ne mai despart doar cateva zile de noul an, imi doresc ca experientele din 2017 sa ne faca mai iubitori, mai constienti de prezentul si mai increzatori ca orice este posibil!
Un 2018 magic!! ✨
Cu drag din New York,
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